Brasserie Dieu du Ciel-Rigor Mortis Abt - St. Jerome, Quebec, Canada - 10.5% abv
12 oz brown bottle. Indecipherable freshness date code.
Allagash glass.
It pours a muddy Coca Cola color with a thin, fast-fading beige head.
Fruity, yeast esters are quite potent. Smells of horse barn, cut hay, cloves, and citrus blend very well together. A nice warming gin-like perfume fuminess rises.
As in the aromas, there are big dominant flavors. Tart white grapefruit, strong gin, limes and a slightly astringent medicine taste slowly allow the sweet caramel maltiness to inch forward. Tastes of rum-soaked prunes and lemon zest peek through and lasts throughout. A little bit of wood, peppery spices and tobacco is noticed.
The mouthfeel is rich, slick and deeply satisfying.
Two of these powerful brews is plenty.
Rich creamy cheese and strong tasting salami goes well with this big, flavorful brew.