Week 34
Ok, let’s see, we’ve dealt with three bastards so far, then we had a whole summer of warm-weather beers to sample and contemplate; June 19, 2011 was the last bastard. It was Imperial Pumpkin Ale (which has since caught fire and is no longer a bastard); http://www.examiner.com/beer-in-boston/beer-style-of-the-week-the-bastards-one-of-a-kind-imperial-pumpkin-ale. Just before that it was Imperial Pumpkin Stout (which has also gained followers); http://www.examiner.com/beer-in-boston/beer-style-of-the-week-one-of-a-kind-beer-the-bastards-2-of-4. Our first bastard, is still a bastard, Samuel Adams Utopias; http://www.examiner.com/beer-in-boston/beer-style-of-the-week-one-of-a-kind-the-bastards-1-of-4-review-1.
This week, we find a style that may also go the route of Imperial Pumpkin and gain some serious followers of Bluebeery Brandy (yes, I made that up just now) and lovers of strong fruit ales. Finally an extreme beer that can serve two masters, brandy lovers and strong blueberry beer lovers.
Serve with blueberry-glazed duck! Or ice-cream!
Smashed Blueberry – Shipyard Signature Series – Shipyard Brewery – Portland, Maine – 9% ABV
22oz dark brown bottle. No freshness date.
Served in a Piraat snifter.
The color is an unusual purple-hued dark mahogany. Minor particles of what I assume are blueberry pulp floats in a thin layer just beneath the tannish head.
Smells of mixed berries, roasted malt, resinous hops and boozy alcohol blend together. A slight floral scent inches forward. The smell of blueberries is there, but not jumping out.
The flavors mirror the aromas. Certainly fruit cup loaded with tart blueberries is upfront. Fruited vodka and mixed hops mingle with a solid malty taste. The sweetness is just about right.
I should be sipping and swigging, but find myself slugging and gulping. Oh oh!
Not at all what I expected...and that's good for my tastes.
Good job Alan Pugsley! Very bold brew!
So, not only will this potent brew provide a mellow buzz, it should have plenty of anti-oxidants to help with healthy brain functions! Ying and yang if there ever was…
Next week; This Old New England Beer Examiner examines Old London Pubs Part II
“Boughs have their fruit and blossom,
At all times of the year,
Rivers are running over
With red beer and brown beer” - William Butler Yeats