Lammin Kataja Olut - Lammin, Finland 8% abv (or 7%abv)
11.2oz dark brown bottle. No freshness date.
It's difficult to compare the looks of a non-filtered Sahti to any typical farmhouse ale, so that said, it's hard to grade it poorly in comparison.
It pours a hazy orange-hued dull amber color with a minimal bubbly beige head that leaves thin sliding lace in its wake.
It smells somewhat like fresh cut birch, with a faint smell wet hay and distant smoked meat.
The thin malt body is sharp-edged and a bit harsh, but it provides an interesting backbone for the bitterness of the woody tasting juniper branch. A light lemony tartness lasts throughout, as does a Gueze-like apple cider vinegar taste. The 7.0% abv is well disguised.
This fragile brew has a short shelf life, so be sure to get it as fresh as possible
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