Cisco Brewers Inc Nantuket, Ma - Santa's Beered - Spiced Imperial Red - 9% abv
16.6oz Dark brown bottle. No freshness date.
Sampled in a Sam Adams fluted glass.
Pours a deep ruby-hued amber color with a full 2" beige head and some trailing and patchy lacing.
The initial smell is like an Imperial Red, with a big whiff of caramel malt and some spicy hop, along with citrus and mixed fruit cup. A faint smell of cinnamon and clove is noticed with some effort.
As in the aroma, the flavor profile resembles an Imperial Red. The big solid rustic malt body carries floral, citrus and resinous hops. A taste of molasses, spices, a touch of honey sweetness and a bit of a woody taste are all quite inviting. A warming alcohol presence blends and ties things together nicely.
For some reason, I feel this brew would pair very well with warm apple cobbler and vanilla ice cream.
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