Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project - Pale Ale brewed with dwarf hops- Westport, MA - 5.6%abv
22 oz dark brown bottle. No freshness date. Sam Adams glass.
The color is a cloudy, orange-hued amber with a big, frothy, foamy beige head, along with loads of sticky lacing.
A just chopped green woody smell is followed closely by a resinous and slightly floral hop aroma. A whiff of tobacco and dried hay lasts throughout.
The initial flavor is of tart and resinous hops. A bit of a cutting astringent metallic bitterness mingles with a citrus rind-like bite. A yeasty bread taste is noticed more as it warms. A little more caramel sweetness would help offset the bitter-forwardness of this brew.
The mouthfeel is edgy and bright. I imagine this ale would cut deeply into a sore throat.
Despite the edgy bitterness, it's fairly easy to drink. Nice!
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