Southern Tier - Robust Porter - 5.8% abv - Lakewood, New York
12 oz dark brown bottle. No freshness date.
Poured into a Sam Adams fluted glass.
It pours a very deep root beer color with a moderately fading tannish beige head.
Smells of dark roast coffee, chocolate, rye bread and citrus peel.
This is a malt-forward brew. Cocoa, coffee, sweet vanilla, and malt dextrose dominate. A light grapefruit bitterness pokes through. A faint metallic tang is way in the background.
The body is velvety smooth, almost buttery in texture.
It's very gulpable.
The label lists this as a "Robust" Porter. I don't think so. It lacks any alcohol punch.
Pairs well with grilled burgers with cheddar, or vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce.
I despise this beer