Longtrail – Pollenator Spring Ale – Bridgewater Corners, VT – 4.6% ABV
12 oz brown bottle. No freshness date notice.
Served in a Samuel Adams etched fluted lager glass.
It pours a lovely golden amber color with a solid 2 finger off-white head and some sticky rings of lacing.
The aroma is pale ale all the way. Hoppy citrusy and dried hay smells rise out and fade rather fast.
The taste falls into the pale ale family as well.
Cutting citrus and metallic hop bitterness are every so slightly tempered with English malt.
It's dry and lightly sweet and finishes clean.
I don't know why it's a Spring Ale. The brewer can call it anything he or she wishes, but there's nothing that shouts "Spring" about it.
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