Pretty Things Beer & Ale Project - Westport, MA 6.5% ABV
22oz brown bottle. Bottled on date on top label.
Served in a Piraat fluted goblet.
It pours a very deep and cloudy caramel/amber color with a thin beige head on top along with loads of lacing.
Nice citrusy and musty fruit smells rise at first pour. Sweet fruit and spicy smells linger. A light alcohol fuminess comes and goes.
The flavors represent the style very nicely, with the exception of the hop profile being the dominant taste, though it works extremely well for this particular farmhouse. Edgy citrus peel and resinous hoppy bitterness are tempered with a lightly sweet caramel malt. A faint metallic tang inches through in the background.Tastes of a crusty bagette comes to mind.
It's a very well-made brew! Lots of creativity involved with this Saison Americain!
Goes great with rustic, comfort food of any kind!
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