Victory Brewing - Downington, PA – 6.8% ABV
12 oz brown bottle. Freshness date stamped on label.
served in an Allagash goblet.
It pours a foggy golden color with a thin snow-white head and some trailing a patchy lacing.
A smell of damp basement on citrusy hops jump out and lasts throughout. An aroma of sour dough bread is quite pleasant. A light whiff of gin is noticed.
Tastes are rangy with upfront tart citrus peel and astringent juniper branch, mellowed by a slightly sweet malty base. Resinous hoppiness and hints of lightly toasted waffles make for an interesting, yet agreeable combination of flavors.
A very light taste of sodium is noticed, though not too off-putting.
I see this pairing very well with strong cheeses and spicy Thai food.
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