Tonight we're eating organic chili. So the appropriate thing to do is to have an organic ale to wash it down. Later, I'm going out to hug a tree.
Wolaver’s India Pale Ale - Organic - Middlebury, VT 6.5% abv
Brown bottle. No freshness date.
It pours a deep shiny golden coppery color with a firm white head on top along with lots a sticky, trailing lacing.
A hoppy citrus aroma is upfront but fades rather quickly. A light smell of cut oak and fresh cut hay lasts throughout.
Nice citrusy bitter hop tastes mingle with a hint of pine and copper. A slightly sweet malt flavor inches forward as the ales warms. The hop to malt taste balances very well at about the halfway point. A mild pepper spiciness and slight alcoholic taste are noticed with little effort.
I’m glad to see more organic beer choices popping up. The more the merrier!