Sunday, February 26, 2012

Samuel Adams Cinder Bock

1 PT. 6oz fancy dark brown bottle. Batch 1.
Served in a tall stein.
Pours a dark tannish amber color with a fast-rising, and fast-fading beige head.

Sniff fast to enjoy the peaty, smoke smell while the bubbly head is active. Smells of sweet malt, molasses, resinous and tea-like hops roll forward. A light whiff of bourbon and snuffed campfire lingers throughout.

The flavors are all familiar, yet unique in their combination.
It's malty, hoppy, smoky, nutty, malty (again), peaty, sweet and a bit boozy. What's unusual is, that despite its ever-present smokiness, all of the other flavors emerge independently and are easily noticed. It may be a tad overly brown sugar sweet, but that's the nature of a Doppelbock. On the other hand, it's a bit hoppy for a Rauch. I can live with all that, being that Cinder Bock is a style unto itself.

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